Perfect Pairs Blackjack

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Perfect Pairs Blackjack is quite exciting modification of blackjack. This game is based on rules of Classic blackjack but there are several extra specifications that make the game more interesting.

The goal of the game is to outclass a dealer. A player needs to collect more points than a dealer but the overall value should not be over than 21. If a player receives more than 21 he loses. Perfect Pairs is played with 6 decks (52 cards each). The main difference of this game is possibility to make side bet. With help of Perfect Pairs side Bet a player can win extra bonus. The goal of this side bet is to collect a pair from the first two cards a player receives. By the way players have to make side bets before next round begins and the dealer starts to deal cards. It should be also mentioned that Perfect Pairs winning does not depend on the dealer’s final hand.

Instructions how to play Perfect Pairs blackjack

In this variation of blackjack player receives two cards face up from the dealer. The dealer is also dealt with two cards (1 face up and 1 face down). As it was mentioned, player can also place side bet on receiving a pair from first two cards from the deck.

The standard card value is used in Perfect Pairs blackjack:

Cards from 2 to 10 have got face value. Face cards have got value of 10 points. Aces can be either 1 or 11 points. The value of ace depends on your hand. Extra winning can be taken by player with his side bet. There are several criteria of perfect pair winnings. Your hand (first 2 cards) has to be:

  • Mixed pair
  • Colored pair
  • Perfect pair

If we don’t take Perfect pair bet this modification of blackjack is absolutely similar to Classic blackjack. For example “Blackjack” hand means automatic winning. In case if player and the dealer receive blackjack nobody wins.

Extra rules of Perfect Pair blackjack

In this modification you can double your bet. Doubling can be done only once per hand. You can also split your hand if you have got first two cards of the same value. In case of splitting you have to make additional bet. Thus you continue to play having two different hands and two different bets. Insurance rule is applied in Perfect pair blackjack. It means that you can pay insurance thinking that the dealer has got Blackjack. Such situations occur when the dealer’s face-up card is Ace. The insurance costs ? of the amount of ante and it is paid as 2 to 1 if blackjack was held by the dealer. The insurance is collected by the casino if the dealer did not have Blackjack hand.

Winning payout (main wager)

  • Blackjack – 3:2
  • Other winning hand – Even
  • Tie – return of initial wager

Winning payout (side bet)

  • Mixed pair – 5:1
  • Colored pair – 12:1
  • Perfect pair – 25:1

Payout tables can differ. It depends on rules used by certain casino. Perfect pair blackjack can be found in almost every major casino. As it was mentioned the game is extremely exciting but the house edge is slightly higher than in Classic blackjack. Therefore this game is first of all for fun, not for profit.
Perfect Pairs